Work Party Update – 29th November 2016

Pantomime prop work – Pantomime song is now in place. Rope was fitted to the front of the stage and the anchor was cut and painted. Rock was painted and the camouflage put in position.…

Work Party Update – 15th November 2016

Pantomime prop work – Work on the rock was started. Bill continued with designing the backdrop and the headboard for the bed has pink on and around the bars.…

Work Party Update – 8th November 2016

Pantomime prop work – A further coat of white paint was painted onto the bed and headboard. Brown varnish was painted on the legs and window surround. Top and bottom of the window was wallpapered.…

Work Party Update – 1st November 2016

Bill was sketching out the backdrop for the pantomime. The steering wheel was put on the binnacle and made a little more stable. Both benches were made higher on one side as our prop work continues.…

Work Party Update – 25th October 2016

Tonight we completed the building of the bed for the pantomime. We also made a base for the window and oiled the hinges of the main door of the Church.…

Work Party Update – 18th October 2016

The stage backdrop was nailed to a piece of timber to anchor it. More work was done on the window for the pantomime. The frame was completed, the top and bottom were fitted and one of the windows was built.…

Work Party Update – 4th October 2016

Tonight, legs were cut, shaped and fitted to the bed for the pantomime. The stage backdrop was removed, turned round and refitted to the back wall.…

Work Party Update – 27th September 2016

This evening we painted the stage steps black, completed the bed top and brought down and swept the canvas backdrop in preparation for the pantomime.…

Work Party Update – 20th September 2016

We discussed the props and scenery requests from Livingstone Players for their upcoming pantomime. This work should keep us busy over the coming weeks. A second coat of black paint was applied to the decorative hinges on the front door. …

Work Party Update – 13th September 2016

Painted magnolia to walls on stairs to the gallery. Put up picture for guild in toilet (toilet twinning).…

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