↑ Return to Our Church

Fabric Committee

The Work Party: Back Row (L-R) – Arthur & George. Front Row (L-R) – Bill, Bobby & Charlie

Livingstone’s origin in the Free Church Movement may account for the grit and determination shown by many of its members, over many years, in giving of their time and skill in order to maintain the Church and its Halls, and to keep them fit for purpose. The present members of the Fabric Group continue to honour this tradition and are very conscious of the sterling work done by their predecessors since the opening in 1887.

The present team is known as the Work Party. They meet on a Tuesday evening and continually do minor repair work which saves a great deal of money and stops the need for major repairs. The final convenor of the Work Party of Livingstone Church was Arthur Taylor. Picture, right, shows the work party in 2016, featuring the late Charlie Campbell and Bill Munn.