The Kirk Session
As a Presbyterian church the Kirk is governed by elders and ministers sitting in a series of courts. Each congregation is led by their Kirk Session. The prime purpose of the Kirk Session is in leading the spiritual life of the church. As our church now follows a unitary constitution the Kirk Session oversees the work of the Finance, Education, Pastoral Care and the Communication and Outreach groups in addition to their dealing with all spiritual matters. All Kirk Sessions are answerable to regional Presbyteries. Our session is answerable to Ardrossan Presbytery. The supreme body is the Annual General Assembly which meets each May in Edinburgh.
The final Trustees of Livingstone Parish Church were:
Robert Bendelow | Luisa Chisholm | Alan Cochrane |
Anne Cochrane | Sandra Erskine | Kenneth Gibson |
Susan Gibson | Ross Glover | Patricia Gray |
Maureen Grear | Alexander Hershaw | Dorothy Hershaw |
Finlay Kerr | Mary Munn | Catherine Reid |
Joan Smith | Arthur Taylor | Andrew Tomlinson |
Brenda Bendelow | Catherine Burns | Robert Burns |
Gordon Campbell | Robert Kerr | Sandra Palmer |
Stuart Wallace |

Office Bearers 2024

Office Bearers – 2015

Office Bearers Centenary Year – 1987

Office Bearers Jubilee Year – 1937

Office Bearers at Church Opening – 1887
Deacon’s Court
The Deacons’ Court was part of the United Free constitution of Livingstone Church. This consisted of all elders and also the deacons who were ordained after election. The Court was responsible for financial and property matters – the Treasurer and Property Convener being members of Court rather than Kirk Session and indeed need not be elders.
The Court was disbanded when the unitary constitution was adopted in the mid 2000’s.