Livingstone Players
What’s that we hear you say? “It’s Panto Time?” For once we hate to say it, but “oh no it isn’t” – well not in the way you all know panto to be. Covid may have ruined our plans for another year however it has taught us all how to become a little better at working technology…even Priscilla the goose is on Zoom!
As a special treat, as we say goodbye to 2021, we have some parting words of wisdom from some of our cast, crew and even our beloved characters.
And stay tuned every night this week to see the next part in our journey into Pantoland.
A Message from Livingstone Players
A Message from Livingstone Players
Friday 4th December should have been the final performance of our 2020 pantomime,
but alas it wasn’t to be.
So here’s a message from the cast and crew, who are as usual full of glee!
The amateur dramatic group Livingstone Players formed in the 1960’s, originally under the name of the Livingstone Church Opera Group because of its performances of Gilbert and Sullivan comic operas. The majority of its members attended the church and this is where all rehearsals took place and shows were performed. Having made the move from opera performances to musicals and pantomimes, the group moved forward with a new name in 1997, Livingstone Players, to aptly reflect the nature of the group.
Today, the Livingstone Players still rehearse in Livingstone Church and still hold their annual pantomime in the venue of the Livingstone Church Hall, Stevenston. The majority of the Livingstone Players members are from the surrounding Ayrshire area and as such the group have a strong community feel and give all proceeds to charity. The Livingstone Players pride themselves on involving young and old alike, creating a broad fellowship of age, both within the cast and the returning audiences who provide a fantastic atmosphere and offer invaluable support. To find out more about the Livingstone Players, click the banner above or visit