Work Party Update – 28th March 2017

Tonight we fitted a hand dryer in the new toilet at the front of the Church. A handle was also put on the inside of the door. A joist in the gallery was treated for woodworm.…

Work Party Update – 21st March 2017

The baby changing platform in the disabled toilet has been moved and a new hand dryer fitted on the wall. Electrical wiring will be completed over the coming days.…

Work Party Update – 14th March 2017

The pews on the balcony were cleaned to remove debris from when the new windows were fitted.…

Work Party Update – 7th March 2017

This week we put the wiring & sockets in the gallery for the new visual system which will be installed shortly.…

Work Party Update – 28th February 2017

The door handle to the Church at the counting house side has been repaired. Banners within the Church were taken down in preparation for the new visual system being installed in the coming weeks. Remaining screw holes will need to be filled in and wall painted. Some additional plastering work was carried out to the gallery windows.…

Work Party Update – 21st February 2017

Tonight we fitted shuttering then some more plastering. The faulty replacement window has now been replaced.…

Work Party Update – 14th February 2017

The pelmet in the hall was repaired. Further plastering was done in the gallery windows.…

Work Party Update – 7th February 2017

3 windows above the balcony of the Church were replaced on Monday. One was not done correctly and will need to be done again! The bottom panel was in 2 pieces rather than 1. Some plaster came out so we started to replace it. The rear pews were washed down and the floor swept.…

Work Party Update – 31st January 2017

The team took off the radiator guards, Maureen and Ryan cleaned and dusted the radiators. The guards were replaced after all radiators were bled.…

Work Party Update – 6th December 2016

Disabled toilet door handle has been repaired.…

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