Work Party Update – 8th September 2015

Tonight, the pulleys were fitted to the new curtains and they now move much more smoothly with less effort. Three of the old partitions were partly dismantled too.…

Work Party Update – 1st September 2015

The TV cabinet was moved 15 inches up the wall to allow greater headroom underneath it.…

Work Party Update – 25th August 2015

Tonight we moved the fly curtain on stage right approximately 4 inches forward and on stage left approximately 3 inches back. The horizontal side hangings were adjusted to suit. We are still trying to find out the cost of pulleys to make the opening and closing of the 1/2 & 3/4 curtains easier.…

Work Party Update – 2nd June 2015

We did a little painting in places where there had been some flaking paint. We started to paint the plate on the hall ceiling that the new curtain wires are attached too. We also fitted longer screws onto the plate.…

Work Party Update – 19th May 2015

Tonight we attached further shackles donated by David Bendelow and then threaded the rope through the shackles and rings. We then attached the stoppers to the curtain and wire suspension. The ¾ curtain now moves when needed. We took down 2 of the flys and put one of the old leg curtains doubled over at the back. Next week we will try more of the legs as flys.


Work Party Update – 12th May 2015

Tonight we worked on the half curtain. We threaded a rope from one side to the other so that when pulled, the curtain would open and close. With the first attempts to do this the effort pulling the rope proved that considerable effort was required. So much so that one of the large split rings failed.   We replaced all four rings with stronger shackles. This worked well and the curtains open and close well. Some effort is required as the curtains are heavier than the old ones. All four of the curtains have been pinned up and now require to be sewn by hand or machine sewn.

Next week we will tackle the rope work on the ¾ curtain.…

Work Party Update – 28th April 2015

Tonight we secured 4 of the leg curtains to the wood that is fixed to the overhead frame. The frame that was high at the main curtain side was lowered therefore dropping the leg we fitted last week almost to the floor. The other 4 of the leg curtains were fitted – 2 on each side. Next week, the final 2 legs will be fitted and the pinning up of the main curtains started.


Work Party Update – 21st April 2015

Over the past few weeks we have been putting the new plates on the ceiling in the large hall to accommodate the new higher wire for the 3/4 curtain. We have taken down the old 1/2 and 3/4 curtains and put up the new ones.

We have started taking down the old legs and put up 2 new ones. The next job will be to pin up the main curtains in preparation for sewing them to the correct height. The same will then apply to the legs.…

Work Party Update – 10th March 2015

Tonight, in preparation for the new curtains on the stage, we took down the old curtains. This week the new anchorages for the ¾ curtain were ordered. We await delivery.…

Work Party Update – 3rd March 2015

Tonight, at the request of the Livingstone Players, we adjusted the half curtain so that it now has an overlap in excess of 24 inches. We also spent a lot of time in designing anchorages for a new curtain track for the ¾ curtain. We now have to purchase the wire rope and other parts required…

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