Work Party Update – 17th May 2016

Tonight we started work on the ceiling of the new disabled toilet in the bell tower. We also started to dig the trench from the Church to the sewer.…

Work Party Update – 10th May 2016

The stage paint arrived today so we painted the new stage covering with matt black stage paint. We also worked on some wood work in the new disabled toilet as well as tiling the floor.…

Work Party Update – 3rd May 2016

Over the last two afternoons we have fixed 9 of the plywood sheets onto the stage. The last section at the back was completed this evening and the stage now looks and feels much stronger.…

Work Party Update – 26th April 2016

Tonight, we cut the first 6 plywood sections of the new stage floor. These are ready to be glued and nailed down next week. George completed fixing the pit props under the stage. Bobby put up a sign at the parking space for the minister.…

Work Party Update – 19th April 2016

The work party have been busy strengthening the stage. We’ve fitted pit props under the stage with 1 1/2 by 6 inches of timber. At the car park at the front we marked out a place reserved for the minister.…

Work Party Update – 29th March 2016

Tonight, we discussed the possibility of improving the stage floor. Investigations commenced into both strengthening the current floor and covering the existing stage with ply wood and black stage paint in preparation for the 2016 pantomime.…

Work Party Update – 8th March 2016

We cleared old wood from the stage into both dunnies. We investigated the drain in the car park outside the bell tower. It would be suitable for a possible disabled toilet to be installed under the stairs to the balcony.…

Work Party Update – 1st March 2016

Tonight, last week’s jobs were completed. The wiring for the sump pump was tidied up and washers were fitted where needed. The sills below the windows above the pulpit were painted and the gold letters and maroon backing was completed.…

Work Party Update – 23rd February 2016

Have sanded sign and plaster above pulpit. Bill has touched up the maroon and gold paint. Bob and George worked to remove the old un serviceable sump pump in the old boiler house below the counting house. The new sump pump was then installed.…

Work Party Update – 16th February 2016

Tonight we looked for a water supply from the old boiler house to under the front stair. There is a possible route. The  leak at the windows behind the pulpit was investigated.…

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